Juneteenth: Enslaved People Set Free In The Confederacy, AMEN

This day we celebrate the release to freedom, enslaved people in the States of the Confederacy, learned of their new status, free at last, free at last, Would that we in these United States, everywhere in these United States, learns the lessons of the past, respect and admiration for all, Freedom and opportunity and tolerance …

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Dads’ Day

Thinking about Dads’ Day, wonder of all things good, fun, wacky, like dads should be? Ought to be that way, not just head of the family (if that’s still a thing), provider, decider, Rather simply put, the rock, foundation, quiet counsel and, timeless voice of reason, even if not followed, Follow suit, care first, listening …

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Fun play on words, many options, all things considered, Consider the word, here’s my “pitch”, 39 years ago, 14 June, I graduated from high school, pitched into my adult life, 14 June, Flag Day, in America, would that all Americans accept this pitch to work together for positive change in these United States, This particular …

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