Free To Be You & Me

Free indeed, what better way to start what will be a busy summer break. The kids have three road trips with their mom, one road trip with me, and a week and a half of summer camp sprinkled in. The youngest is doing a bonus week of dance camp, too.

And so with all this busy on the horizon, seems appropriate to do a whole lotta nothing this first weekend.

Two of the three slept in until Noon (teen years knocking), and it’s been lounge around all day.

Me too, mind you. I’ve had a good afternoon nap. Managed to do a little laundry, and catch up on the news a bit.

Easy does it, that’s the theme this weekend.



The title of the post comes from a 1970’s era book, album, show special by Marlo Thomas,

“Free To Be You and Me.”

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