the dad cafe

My preferred style at meal-time with my kids, “the dad cafe.“

I don’t do so well insisting that they eat to a particular menu on any given night, or during the day for that matter,

So it’s mostly made-to-order, based on what fresh (and other) foods are available in the house. I do insistent on a fruit or vegetable component at most every meal. I try to steer clear of a lot of processed, frozen foods.

That said, sometimes the dad cafe is closed, and it’s Taco Bell or In & Out Burger, City Fish or Freedom Burrito are also on the short list for take-out.

We do what we can as parents, that’s what I remind myself most days. And the dad cafe let’s me play the short-order chef and maximize what’s in the fridge and in the pantry … and keeps the kids full and happy … mostly.

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