
Fun play on words, many options, all things considered,

Consider the word, here’s my “pitch”,

39 years ago, 14 June, I graduated from high school, pitched into my adult life,

14 June, Flag Day, in America, would that all Americans accept this pitch to work together for positive change in these United States,

This particular year, this day is our DeAnza Lions Charity Golf Classic, 20 years ago maybe I got my first pitch on becoming a Lion, my dad and my bro’s father-in-law, both Lions already, suggested the thought,

I took the pitch, the rest is history, my path to service,

And on this day with a charity round of golf to help those in need, I expect to use my Pitching Wedge quite a lot, just get close and have a shot, take a shot at the hole, nothing to lose this particular day,

Pitching in on this maybe final round for DeAnza Lions charities for a while, as attitudes and priorities shift,

Who knows? Maybe we’ll get to make the pitch anew another day ,,,




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