Another Side of Self-Care

Lately my good friend has been posting on social media regarding mental health.

Not only is June pride month, it’s also Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month.

So my buddy’s been posting, sharing thoughts; some really good insights, perspectives. It’s his gig, he’s a therapist.

One of the recent ones he posted with a couple comments on self-care.

But it looks different at different times for different people.

I realize that early morning writing, scribbling down the thoughts that I have to start today, about my circumstance, and others, it’s a form of self-care for me often times.

Like right now, this original draft scribbled down at 5:37 in the morning, just as the sun is beginning to light the day.

Empty house, the kids come back today, and being alone, solo guy, gives me complete freedom to do as I please, as the day begins, it’s quite a luxury.

And writing is my self care. Period. Full stop. GOOD.

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