Write Now

Daily Prompt: “Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.” Well isn’t that something?! This very prompt allowing me to do that exact simple thing I love to do, Scribble down a thought, an observation, an opinion, Captured in my very own twist of phrase and verse, Scribbled down and shared …

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Unplug NOW

Daily Prompt: “How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?” Frenetic pace, life pouring in, activities and demands and insistent call, Do now, do now! Pressure mounts in the forehead, brow furrows, clouded thinking, sure sign, self-care session soon, And then, gentle music on, floating to …

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My Dad’s Belt

Daily Prompt: “What's the oldest things you're wearing today?” My Dad’s belt, that’s for sure the oldest thing I wear day in, day out… It’s brown, leather, no loop, It’s got a fly-fisherman amongst the decoration, and in the middle, the name he went by most of his life, His middle name, His grandfather’s middle …

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