A New Gig within a Gig

Learning is always good. In your personal life, in your professional life, you get better when you’re learning. Sometimes it’s not easy. But it’s always worth it.

Any company that prioritizes cross-training its personnel to support each other’s functions within a work group is doing the right thing.

I’m in that boat now at work, just beginning to learn the business processes of a sister manufacturing team at my company. Some of the activities are the same; some are a bit different. Common business goals pursued, but handling some exception situations are unique to the department.

Bottom Line: Problems need to be addressed in a timely manner and resolved in the most efficient way for the business overall: manufacturing, supply chain, accounting all working together.

This learning takes time, but is well worth it in the long term; everyone is more informed, and can help each other for the common purpose of moving the business forward.

So keep learning, keep striving to be better. That’s my goal. I feel fortunate to have the chance to do so.


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