Those three little letters, just what do they mean…?

Most often it’s the acronym for “Master’s [Degree] in Business Administration” … some of my peeps used to say, jokingly, “…Mister Bad Ass…” , I’d chuckle, to participate. I just wanted to learn more about business, since I’d studied comparative politics and political history as an undergrad.

So near 30 years after I did my course of study in business admin,, to earn that sheep skin … I consider what it mean … means …

I didn’t do the study and get the degree to be an executive in the typical, conventional sense, anyway.

After that course of study … and sense that I didn’t want to pour my soul into for-profit endeavors….more consideration,

And so I’ve quietly made my way doing deals and making customers happy and facilitating manufacturing and global logistics …

While in parallel serving and a member and leader in a local Lions community service club, applying some “executive skills” therein,

And helping raise my kids,

— lots of Master Level Skills needed there —

And serving The Almighty,



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